This macro is written by Alicia M. Howell, MS For further information contact her at: ---------------------------------CUT HERE ----------------------------------- %macro additive(dataset,siglevel,timeunit,effects,option,contrast,outdat1, outdat2); * dataset: data set that contains time, censor indicator, covariates; * siglevel: significance level; * timeunit: unit of time; * effects: the covariates; * option: character vector defining which options are chosen; * contrast: contrast vector (or matrix); * outdat1: first output data set; * outdat2: second output data set; use &dataset; read all var _num_ into imldat; goodrow=LOC(((imldat=.) [,+])=0); * searches for missing values; missing=LOC(((imldat=.) [,+])^=0); * identifies rows w/missing values; imldat=imldat[goodrow,]; * deletes rows with missing values; n=nrow(imldat); * number of rows in Y; col=ncol(imldat); pprime=col-1; * number of columns in Y (baseline + covariates); p=pprime-1; * number of covariates; t=imldat[,1]; * death or censored time; c=imldat[,2]; * 1=uncensored, 0=censored; zero=j(n,1,0); A=j(n,1,0); * n-vector whose ith element is 1 if subject i experiences event; B=j(pprime,1,0); * estimates for Betas; s=j(pprime,1,0); * decoy for Betas; betatime=j(n,pprime,0); * Betas over time; cov=j(pprime,pprime,0); * covariance for Betas; cm=j(pprime,pprime,0); * decoy for covariance; var=j(pprime,1,0); * variance of Betas; stdev=j(pprime,1,0); * stdev of Betas; LCI=j(pprime,1,0); * lower confidence bound for each estimate; UCI=j(pprime,1,0); * upper confidence bound for each estimate; sdtime=j(n,pprime,0); * stdev of Betas over time; Lcontime=j(n,pprime,0); * lower conf bound over time for each est; Ucontime=j(n,pprime,0); * upper conf bound over time for each est; GLTEST=I(p); constant=j(p,1,0); GLTEST=constant || GLTEST; K=j(p,p,0); * weight for U; U=j(p,1,0); * test stat based on this vector; V=j(p,p,0); * variance matrix for U; xy=j(n,2,0); *Check to see if data is sorted in ascending order; do i=2 to n; if t[i-1]>t[i] then do; print 'Data not sorted by time in ascending order!'; abort; end; end; * Option [2,1] is for testing contrasts; if &option[2,1]={y} then do; rowcon=nrow(&contrast); conK=j(rowcon,rowcon,0); conU=j(rowcon,1,0); conV=j(rowcon,rowcon,0); end; * Macro that checks if Y is singular; %macro rankmat(time,estimtes); rank=round(trace(ginv(Y)*Y)); if rank^=min(n,pprime) then do; fintime=&time; * final time for estimates; stop; end; %mend; * Macro that creates confidence intervals for untied observations; %macro confint(est,covarian,alpha); %global stdev sdtime LCI UCI Lcontime Ucontime; zscore=probit(1-&alpha/2); do f=1 to pprime; stdev[f,]=sqrt(&covarian[f,f]); sdtime[i,f]=sqrt(&covarian[f,f]); * stdev for betas thru time; LCI[f,]=&est[f,]-(zscore#stdev[f,]); UCI[f,]=&est[f,]+(zscore#stdev[f,]); Lcontime[i,f]=LCI[f,1]; Ucontime[i,f]=UCI[f,1]; end; %mend; * Macro that creates confidence intervals for tied observations; %macro conftied(est,covarian,alpha); %global stdev sdtime LCI UCI Lcontime Ucontime; zscore=probit(1-&alpha/2); do ff=i to jj; do f=1 to pprime; stdev[f,]=sqrt(cov[f,f]); sdtime[ff,f]=sqrt(&covarian[f,f]); LCI[f,]=&est[f,]-(zscore#stdev[f,]); UCI[f,]=&est[f,]+(zscore#stdev[f,]); Lcontime[ff,f]=LCI[f,1]; Ucontime[ff,f]=UCI[f,1]; end; end; %mend; * Creating Y matrix; Y=j(n,pprime,0); Y[,1]=1; * baseline column is 1s; do q= 2 to pprime; Y[,q]=imldat[,q+1]; end; * Computing the estimates:; do i=1 to (n-1); if t[i]=t[1] then do; s[,1]=0;cm[,1]=0; end; else do; s[,1]=B[,1];cm=cov; end; * If time(i) is not equal to time(i+1):; if t[i]^=t[i+1] then do; if c[i]=0 then do; * for censored observation; B=s; do f=1 to pprime; betatime[i,f]=B[f,1]; end; cov=cm; K=K; U=U; V=V; if &option[2,1]={y} then do; conK=conK; conU=conU; conV=conV; end; %confint(B,cov,&siglevel); Y[i,]=0; %rankmat((t[i]),B); end; if c[i]>0 then do; * for uncensored observation; A[i]=1; X=inv(Y`*Y)*Y`; B=s+(X*A); do f=1 to pprime; betatime[i,f]=B[f,1]; end; cov=cm+(X*(diag(A))*X`); K=inv(diag(GLTEST*inv(Y`*Y)*GLTEST`)); U=U+(K*GLTEST*X*A); V=V+(K*GLTEST*X*diag(A)*X`*GLTEST`*K`); if &option[2,1]={y} then do; conK=inv(diag(&contrast*inv(Y`*Y)*&contrast`)); conU=conU+(conK*&contrast*X*A); conV=conV+(conK*&contrast*X*diag(A)*X`*&contrast`*conK`); end; %confint(B,cov,&siglevel); Y[i,]=0; A[i]=0; %rankmat((t[i]),B); end; end; * If time(i) is equal to time(i+1):; if t[i]=t[i+1] then do; d=c[i]+c[i+1]; do j=i+2 to n; if t[i]=t[j] then do; d=d+c[j]; * d is the # of uncensored cases at time(i); end; else if t[i]^=t[j] then do; jj=j-1; * jj is the last case number that is tied at time(i); j=n; end; end; if d=0 then do; * for the censored tied times; B=s; do ff=i to jj; do f=1 to pprime; betatime[ff,f]=B[f,1]; end; end; cov=cm; K=K; U=U; V=V; if &option[2,1]={y} then do; conK=conK; conU=conU; conV=conV; end; %conftied(B,cov,&siglevel); do m=i to jj; Y[m,]=0; end; i=jj; %rankmat((t[i]),B); end; if d>0 then do; * for the uncensored tied times; do dd=i to jj; if c[dd]=1 then A[dd]=1; end; X=inv(Y`*Y)*Y`; B=s+(X*A); do ff=i to jj; do f=1 to pprime; betatime[ff,f]=B[f,1]; end; end; cov=cm+(X*(diag(A))*X`); K=inv(diag(GLTEST*inv(Y`*Y)*GLTEST`)); U=U+(K*GLTEST*X*A); V=V+(K*GLTEST*X*diag(A)*X`*GLTEST`*K`); if &option[2,1]={y} then do; conK=inv(diag(&contrast*inv(Y`*Y)*&contrast`)); conU=conU+(conK*&contrast*X*A); conV=conV+(conK*&contrast*X*diag(A)*X`*&contrast`*conK`); end; %conftied(B,cov,&siglevel); do m=i to jj; Y[m,]=0; A[m]=0; end; i=jj; %rankmat((t[i]),B); end; end; end; fincase=i; * final case number, where estimates are still estimable; restime=t[1:fincase,]; * restricted time interval for estimates; Lcontime=Lcontime[1:fincase,]; Ucontime=Ucontime[1:fincase,]; betatime=betatime[1:fincase,]; sdtime=sdtime[1:fincase,]; * Create BStime which contains parameter estimates & standard deviations over time; BStime=j(fincase,2*pprime+1,0); BStime[,1]=restime; * first column is time; BStime[,2]=betatime[,1]; * second column is BO estimate; BStime[,3]=sdtime[,1]; * third column is standard deviation(BO); do i=2 to pprime; BStime[,i*2]=Betatime[,i]; * even columns are B estimates; BStime[,i*2+1]=sdtime[,i]; * odd columns are; end; BStime=BStime[1:fincase,]; * eliminates final rows where estimate is not estimable (YprimeY not full rank); * GLOBAL TEST; gltstat=U`*inv(V)*U; zstat=sqrt(gltstat); dfgltest=p; pval=1-probchi(gltstat,dfgltest); col1={"Chi-Square"}; col2={"d.f"}; col3={"p-value"}; timecol={"Time"}; lab={" "}; blankcol={" "}; mattrib restime colname=timecol label=lab; mattrib fintime colname=blankcol label=lab format=4.2; mattrib gltstat colname=col1 label=lab format=10.4; mattrib dfgltest colname=col2 label=lab format=3.; mattrib pval colname=col3 label=lab format=6.4; * INDIVIDUAL effects; indchi=j(p,1,0); indpval=j(p,1,0); do i=1 to p; indchi[i]=U[i]##2/V[i,i]; indpval[i]=1-probchi(indchi[i],1); end; inddf=j(p,1,1); col4={"Effect"}; mattrib indchi colname=col1 label=lab format=10.4; mattrib inddf colname=col2 label=lab format=3.; mattrib indpval colname=col3 label=lab format=6.4; mattrib &effects colname=col4 label=lab; * contrasts; if &option[2,1]={y} then do; statcon=conU`*inv(conV)*conU; dfcon=rowcon; pvalcon=1-probchi(statcon,dfcon); mattrib statcon colname=col1 label=lab format=10.4; mattrib dfcon colname=col2 label=lab format=3.; mattrib pvalcon colname=col3 label=lab format=6.4; row1={"Contrast Matrix"}; mattrib &contrast rowname=row1 label=lab; end; print ' Additive Hazards Model ',,,; mattrib n colname=lab label=lab; misnames={"Case #"}; mattrib missing colname=misnames label=lab; if nrow(missing)>0 then do; missing=t(missing); print 'The following observations have missing values and are excluded from analysis:', missing,; print n 'observations used in analysis.'; end; else do; print 'No missing data: all observations were used in analysis.'; print n 'observations used.'; end; print 'Estimates are restricted to the time interval 0 to' fintime,; print ' Global Test '; print gltstat dfgltest pval; print " ", " ", " "; print ' Analysis of Variance '; print &effects indchi inddf indpval; print " ", " ", " "; * Printing contrast output; if &option[2,1]={y} then do; print ' Test of Linear Combinations '; print &contrast; print statcon dfcon pvalcon; end; * Printing beta estimate, standard deviation at each time; if &option[1,1]={y} then do; endcount=2*pprime; c1={"Beta"}; c2={"Standard Deviation"}; mattrib parname colname=blankcol label=lab; mattrib betaspr colname=c1 label=lab format=10.4; mattrib stdevspr colname=c2 label=lab format=10.4; j=0; temp=t(&effects); tempnew='Baseline' || temp; do i=2 to endcount by 2; betaspr=BStime[,i]; stdevspr=BStime[,i+1]; j=j+1; parname=tempnew[,j]; print 'Cumulative estimate and standard deviation for:' parname; print restime betaspr stdevspr; end; end; * Line Plots; if &option[4,1]={y} then do; xy=j(fincase,2,0); xy[,1]=restime; temp=t(&effects); names='Baseline' || temp; do gg=1 to pprime; xy[,2]=betatime[,gg]; call pgraf(xy,'*',&timeunit,names[,gg]); end; end; * Creating first output dataset; if &option[3,1]={y} then do; NEW1= restime || betatime || sdtime || Lcontime || Ucontime; create &outdat1 from NEW1; append from NEW1; end; * Creating second output dataset; if &option[5,1]={y} then do; NEW2=U || V; create &outdat2 from NEW2; append from NEW2; end; %mend;