Each pilot program facilitates research productivity in specific ways
- Team Science awards fund collaborative projects that lead to multi-principal investigator or program project grants.
- Clinical Concept awards generate preliminary data leading to clinical trials or correlative studies on new ways to prevent, diagnose, and treat cancer.
- Idea awards typically fund single-investigator projects in any research area related to cancer.
- American Cancer Society – Institutional Research Grant awards support junior faculty in establishing independent cancer research programs.
- Our Patient Project awards promote multidisciplinary translational research, usually related to precision oncology.
Why Apply for a Pilot Award?
Explore novel ideas and approaches that may not have been pursued previously due to limited resources
Collect preliminary data providing evidence of feasibility and potential success
Identify potential challenges at an early stage to prevent similar issues during larger-scale research and implementation
Increase collaboration and encourage partnerships among researchers, institutions, and experts in different fields
Gain valuable feedback that can be used to improve future grant applications
Secure extramural funding. Positive results from pilot studies can attract external funding for further investigation
Past Awardees