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Eight Students Initiated into Pharmacy Leadership Society Phi Lambda Sigma

Eight students initiated into pharmacy leadership society Phi Lambda Sigma

Eight students from the Class of 2025 were initiated into the pharmacy leadership society Phi Lambda Sigma during a ceremony on November 8, 2023.

  • Adam Crouse
  • Jennifer Erickson
  • Liliana Galvan
  • Zoe Green
  • Kaitlin Larson
  • Sage Orlowski
  • Sophia Schulte
  • Aaron Stange

Members are nominated by peers, faculty and staff for being actively involved in advancing the profession of pharmacy, demonstrating a high degree of professionalism, and exhibiting high moral and ethical character.

The MCW School of Pharmacy’s Epsilon Rho chapter was established in April 2022, under the leadership of faculty advisor Kevin Bozymski, PharmD, BCPS, BCPP.

"I challenge you to look at this not just as a recognition of what you've done so far, but as an opportunity and challenge to grow your leadership even further," said Dr. Bozymski. "I'm hoping the ceremony tonight and seeing the members who walked in your shoes a year ago will inspire you to spark that leadership fire in the next cohort of students."

Epsilon Rho chapter president Sonu Baru, 2024 PharmD candidate, led the initiates in the oath of Phi Lambda Sigma, where they promised “to work for the advancement of pharmacy through leadership and service and to practice the duties of [the] profession with dignity, knowledge, ethics and a genuine concern for the wellbeing of those [they] serve.”

Keynote speaker Justin Konkol, PharmD, MHA, BCPS, DPLA, director of pharmacy at Froedtert Hospital, spoke about challenges in the wake of the pandemic and as pharmacists walk out of their jobs, protesting work conditions they're experiencing while trying to safely care for patients.

"How do we deal with this? Especially when it's a tough day, remember that calling," said Dr. Konkol. "Find those patients that you can tuck away in that memory box that you know you made a difference to. Remember the area of pharmacy that interests you and what provides you happiness. How do you think you can make a difference? Bring that to work and challenge others, because right now we need innovation and creativity like you never believed it."