Medical College of Wisconsin Medical School Medical School

M1 Year

MCW-Milwaukee Curriculum Schedule and Course Descriptions

MCW-MKE 4 Year Curriculum Map-1

M1 Fall Course Descriptions

M1 Clinical Human Anatomy (CHA)
Clinical Human Anatomy provides students with the structural and functional aspects of the human body. Students will explore the macroscopic anatomy and three-dimensional relationships of organs, organ-systems, regions of the body, cross-sections and spaces. Learning experiences are reinforced with cadaveric dissection and a variety of imaging techniques - such as plain films (X-rays), CT and MRI scans - that relate to clinical practice. 
M1 Molecules to Cells (MtC)
Molecules to Cells integrates the concepts of biochemistry, medical genetics, human development and cell and tissue biology. The goal of the curriculum is for students to become aware of the contributions these disciplines bring to future developments in clinical diagnosis and treatment. Molecules to Cells will expose students to the molecular and chemical principles of life from the structure and function of DNA and proteins, to metabolism, membrane transport and cellular recognition. 
M1 Physiology
Physiology provides the foundation for clinical medicine and helps students gain knowledge of the physiologic processes of cellular organization, membrane, nerve and muscle physiology, the cardiovascular, respiratory and renal systems, the lymphatics, microcirculation, metabolism and temperature regulation, gastrointestinal physiology and the endocrine and reproductive systems.
M1 Foundations of Clinical Medicine (FCM)
Foundations of Clinical Medicine provides the foundation of basic clinical skills essential for meaningful patient interaction. Instruction in the basics of medical interviewing, physical examination, written documentation, oral presentations and the medical record will precede opportunities to practice in small groups in preparation for direct patient care experiences. Formative feedback will be provided throughout this process. At the end of the course, students complete an Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) to assess basic clinical skills and must pass this examination in order to enter the clinical setting with a preceptor.

M1 Spring Course Descriptions

M1 Infectious Agents and Host Immunity (IAHI)
Infectious Agents & Host Immunity integrates pertinent information, practical experience, and conceptual approaches needed for understanding the characteristics and activities of bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites, as well as the immunological responses of the host. Our primary goal is to assist each student to (i) acquire and integrate the knowledge necessary for developing the ability to make scientifically based judgments concerning microbial diseases, and (ii) apply new findings gained by personal observation or by informed reading of the current literature. 
M1 Principles of Drug Action (PDA)
Principles of Drug Action integrates neuroscience, physiology, microbiology and pharmacological sciences in order to discuss the principles of pharmacology and major therapeutic drugs. Students learn about the interaction of drugs, drug absorption and elimination, drug distribution, dose-response, toxicity and therapeutic efficacy.
M1 Medical Neuroscience
In the Medical Neuroscience students learn via presentations (interactive lectures and podcasts) and laboratory sessions. Presentations introduce students to concepts related to the structure and function of the human nervous system and clinical neurology. During laboratory sessions, students work in teams to learn neuroanatomy at the ultrastructural, microscopic and gross anatomic levels. Course material is presented in four units which may be roughly described as (1) Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology, (2) Sensory Systems, (3) Motor Systems and (4) Higher Brain Functions.
M1 Foundations of Human Behavior (FHB)
Foundations of Human Behavior introduces students to normal psychological development across the lifespan, including cognitive, emotional, and interpersonal development. Understanding of typical human development across the lifespan is a critical foundation for the effective and compassionate treatment of patients across the lifespan and impacts every specialty of medicine. 
M1/M2 Bench to Bedside
Bench to Bedside is a one year, one-half-day-per-week course, which overlaps the first two years of medical school. Held during M1 Spring and M2 Fall, the course is dedicated to learning activities meant to supplement direct patient care experiences. Topics include multidisciplinary (basic science and clinical faculty) case conferences, the normal physical exam with basic science and clinical correlations, and medical ethics and palliative care. Topics are often linked to other teaching sessions in the curriculum to provide basic science context to enhance learning and retention. 
M1/M2 Clinical Apprenticeship
Students are assigned to a weekly clinical experience and are supervised in the provision of patient care by a faculty member. Preceptors observe their students performing these skills during their clinical experience and provide formative feedback. Preceptors assist the student in identifying a group of patients with whom the student can have more in-depth interactions over time in an attempt to improve the health of these patients.