Research Microscope Lab

Center for AIDS Intervention Research (CAIR) - Your PrEP Experience

Welcome to Your PrEP Experience (YPE)!

We are conducting confidential online surveys to understand young men and transgender women’s experiences with PrEP. These surveys will explore factors that may impact PrEP use and adherence, including relationship experiences and life circumstances. We hope the information from this project will help us develop better programs to encourage continued PrEP use and adherence.

The project is being conducted by Medical College of Wisconsin faculty and staff and is funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).
How Can I Participate in the Study?
You must be a young Black/African American man or transgender woman aged 18-35 living in one of the following metro areas to participate: Cleveland, Detroit, Kansas City, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, or St. Louis. There are other eligibility criteria as well.

If you are interested in seeing if you are eligible to participate in our surveys, please take the screening survey or call (414) 881-7756.

If you are a PrEP patient, you may receive information about the study directly from your PrEP clinic or by US mail, email, or text message. You can follow the link provided to you to participate, or call us any time for more information.

See If You're Eligible

How Will I Benefit from Participating?
You may or may not directly benefit from participating. However, we hope this research will help us better understand young people’s experiences with PrEP and develop new programs to encourage PrEP use and adherence.
Who Are the People Conducting the Study?
This research is being conducted by faculty and staff in the Center for AIDS Intervention Research at the Medical College of Wisconsin. We collaborate with agencies and health centers across the Midwest, including the KC CARE Health Center, the Detroit Public Health STD Clinic, Corktown Health, the Red Door Clinic, Clinic 555, Vivent Health, Holton Street Clinic, the AIDS Taskforce of Greater Cleveland, and others.
Who Should I Contact with Questions?

If you have questions about the study, you can email us at or call (414) 881-7756.