About the Medical College of Wisconsin

Medical College of Wisconsin Special License Plates

MCW License Plate

Show Your Pride on Your Ride!

The Medical College of Wisconsin is excited to announce that MCW license plates are available through the Wisconsin DMV. The plates feature a white MCW logo and our tagline, knowledge changing life, on an MCW green background with white lettering.

Wisconsin drivers choosing to purchase the special plate will have the option to personalize their plate with a six-letter/number combination (on a first-come, first-served basis and meeting state criteria) or be issued a DMV-generated license plate number. The MCW license plates are available for purchase at Wisconsindot.gov or your local Wisconsin DMV.

Plates are available for automobiles, motor homes and motor trucks. They are not available for motorcycles.

You can purchase your custom plate when you renew your registration or at any time.

The cost is the standard DMV-required $15 for the plate, with no additional mandatory donation to MCW. At each subsequent plate renewal, you will pay the regular registration fee for non-personalized MCW plates or an additional $15 annual fee for your personalized license plate number.

Plates will be received directly from the Wisconsin DMV 4-6 weeks after the application is processed.

Want to add even more MCW Pride to Your Ride?

Check out the MCW Online Store for special license plate frames!