
Jeffrey L. Jackson, MD, MPH



  • Froedtert Hospital
  • Zablocki VA Medical Center
  • Zablocki VA Medical Center


  • Internal Medicine


  • English


  • MD - Doctor of Medicine
  • MPH - Masters in Public Health

Research Interests

Dr. Jackson’s research focuses on the interface between patients and providers in primary care. He has explored the nature of communication between clinicians and providers and its effects on outcomes, and has conducted clinical trials to improve shared decision making. He has explored the nature of the “difficult” encounter and has intervened to decrease the number of encounters deemed difficult, improving outcomes from these visits. He has also explored the nature of symptoms in primary care, both as a manifestation of mental disorders as well as the best methods for managing symptoms.

Accordingly, he has explored the prevalence of depression, anxiety and somatization disorders in primary care, the frequency of recognition, and the long-term outcomes of these syndromes. He has published a series of systematic reviews looking at the best treatments for patients suffering from a number of different symptom syndromes, including fibromyalgia, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, and chronic pelvic pain.
