Priyanka Shah-Basak, PhD

Priyanka Shah-Basak, PhD

Assistant Professor


  • Neurology

Contact Information


PhD, Biomedical Engineering, Neurology and Neurosciences, Rutgers Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, 2012
MS, Biomedical Engineering, Bioinstrumentation and Signal Processing, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2008
BS, Biomedical Engineering, Bioinstrumentation, New Jersey Institute of Technology, 2006

Honors and Awards

2003–2006 , Recipient of Albert Dorman Honor’s College Scholarship
2005, Member of Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society)
2013–Present, American Heart Association
2014, Society of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology
2014, American Academy of Neurology
2017–Present, Canadian Partnership for Stroke Recovery (CPSR)
2018, World Stroke Organization
2018–Present, Society of Neurobiology of Language

Research Interests

I am a biomedical engineer and a cognitive neuroscientist by training. My work focuses on optimizing neurorehabilitation approaches for the treatment of cognitive disorders in acquired and neurodegenerative diseases. My postdoctoral work has primarily been focused on examining the efficacy and the neurophysiological bases of noninvasive brain stimulation treatments in post-stroke aphasia and primary progressive aphasia (PPA). Over the past 10 years, I have used a variety of methodologies, including transcranial direct current and magnetic stimulation (tDCS, high-definition tDCS, TMS), magnetoencephalography (MEG), and anatomical (voxel-based morphometry, voxel-based lesion symptom mapping) and functional MR imaging (fMRI), combined with neuropsychological testing and univariate and multivariate (partial least squares, principal component analysis) statistical approaches.
