Medical College of Wisconsin School of Graduate Studies U1-Research 2F Microscope Lab-Grad-hero
Erika Shaw

Erika Hood

Graduate Student

Faculty Advisor

  • Daniel Lipinski


  • Cell and Developmental Biology, 2019
  • Neuroscience Doctoral Program (NDP), 2018

Contact Information


BS, Biology, Wisconsin Lutheran College


I grew up in Lafayette, Indiana and moved to Milwaukee in 2014 to begin my undergraduate education at Wisconsin Lutheran College. During my undergraduate education, I focused my research on the development of the central nervous system in zebrafish. In 2018, I earned a BS in biology and began my graduate education through the neuroscience doctoral program at the Medical College of Wisconsin. My goal for my research under Dr. Daniel Lipinski is to aid in the development of therapeutic strategies for degenerative diseases of the eye.

Research Interests

The role of RPE in age-related macular degeneration and developing gene therapy treatments to prevent and protect against geographic atrophy.