Medical College of Wisconsin School of Graduate Studies U1-Research 2F Microscope Lab-Grad-hero
Max Mantych

Max Mantych

Graduate Student


  • Global Health Equity

Contact Information


Year Entered MCW: 2022
Previous Education: BS, Biomedical Sciences, & Spanish for the Health Professions Major, Marquette University
Career Goals: I am pursuing a career in primary care medicine and public health to address health disparities influenced by the social determinants of health. I believe that all patients, regardless of their lived experience and socioeconomic status, deserve access to preventative and transdisciplinary programs to support their holistic wellbeing within the primary care environment.

Research Interests

Integration of social determinants of health into the primary care setting to achieve optimal health outcomes; the neurobiological underpinnings of opioid addiction and translational approaches to community engagement; how understanding the symbiotic interaction between humans, organisms, and their shared environment can improve healthcare delivery at a local and global scope.