Ciara Ayala
HESP Scholar, Class of 2028
Student Enrichment Program for Underrepresented Professions (StEP-UP), Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Personal interests:
Cooking, baking
Why HESP?:
As someone who grew up in this city, I believe I have a unique advantage to be an advocate for this community. I am thrilled about the prospect of living in the ThriveOn building which will allow me to build stronger connections with those who call Milwaukee their home.
Why are you interested in health equity?:
Growing up, I lived on the southside of Milwaukee. This is a part of the city that houses lower socioeconomic, multi-generational Latinx households. Fear of being misunderstood and high medical costs discourage many from seeking medical care until the pain or complications became unbearable. Having experienced this disconnect firsthand, I am determined to make a difference. By connecting with my future patients on a personal level, I hope to bridge the gap that currently exists and improve health equity within Milwaukee.
What do you like about Milwaukee?:
I love the festivals, the people, the food, the Bucks (Go Bucks!), and the unique culture that is developed when people of all different backgrounds live within the same city.