Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences at the Eye Institute
Chris Skumatz_Academic Profile

Chris M. Skumatz

Animal & Laboratory Research Program Manager


  • Eye Institute
  • Medical College of Wisconsin Eye Institute
    925 N 87th St
    Milwaukee, WI 53226-0509

Contact Information


BS, Biology, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater


I was born, raised and educated in southeastern Wisconsin. After college I briefly worked in a contract laboratory and left it for the more creative, stimulating investigations of academic research. I worked for 26 years in a basic science research lab at the Eye Institute. Most recently we were studying the role melanosomes in the Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE) have in protecting the RPE from the effects of oxidative stress. The Advanced Ocular Imaging Program appeals to me because of the more direct connection between clinical research and improvements in health care. Here I can blend my research background with my desire to help people.

Research Interests

I provide support to all aspects of the AOIP; human subject research, animal adaptive optics, data processing and day-to-day operations. I am captivated by imaging and I’m especially interested in the advances being made in adaptive optics.