MSTP students in the Sahoo lab
Medical Scientist Training Program
Ryan Bonate

Ryan Bonate

G2 Student

Faculty Advisor

  • Eric Paulson, PhD, Biophysics


  • Medical Scientist Training Program

Contact Information


BS, Biophysics; Mathematics, Loyola University, 2021

Research Interests

Imaging Science, especially structural MRI

Research Experience

Medical College of Wisconsin, 2023-Present
Advisor: Eric Paulson, PhD
Project: Development and Clinical Implementation of Quantitative Adaptive Radiation Therapy

Loyola University-Chicago, 2020-2021
Advisor: Thomas Sanger, PhD
Project: Use embryonal gecko tissue to observe and categorize the sexual development of geckos in vivo


Bonate R, Kurek G, Hrabak M, Patterson S, Padovan-Neto F, West AR, Steiner H. Phosphodiesterase 10A (PDE10A): Regulator of Dopamine Agonist-Induced Gene Expression in the Striatum. Cells. 2022 Jul 16;11(14):2214. doi: 10.3390/cells11142214. PMID: 35883657; PMCID: PMC9324899.

Egner JM, Nolden KA, Harwig MC, Bonate RP, De Anda J, Tessmer MH, Noey EL, Ihenacho UK, Liu Z, Peterson FC, Wong GCL, Widlansky ME, Hill RB. Structural studies of human fission protein FIS1 reveal a dynamic region important for GTPase DRP1 recruitment and mitochondrial fission. J Biol Chem. 2022 Dec;298(12):102620. doi: 10.1016/j.jbc.2022.102620. Epub 2022 Oct 20. PMID: 36272645; PMCID: PMC9747602.

Meeting Abstracts

Bonate R, Sullivan R, Crowley H, Bielanski A, Suarez V. Next-generation prenatal testing [Internet]. CELTS; Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium: Loyola University, Chicago 2021.

Bonate RP, Laps ED. Genital development in an all-female lizard species, Lepidodactylus lugubris [Internet]. CELTS; Undergraduate Research and Engagement Symposium: Loyola University, Chicago 2021.

General Interests

Going fast, stopping and smelling the roses occasionally