Xander Bradeen
Phase 1 Second Year Student
- Medical Scientist Training Program
Contact Information
Research Interests
Immunology, immunotherapy, neuro-oncology, neurodegenerative disease
Research Experience
University of Colorado - Anschutz, July 2020-May 2023
Advisor: Eduardo Davila, PhD, Bradley Haverkos, MD, MPH
Project: Identifying Novel Epigenetic Modifiers that Sensitive T Cell Lymphomas to Cytotoxic T Cell Mediated Killing
University of Colorado-Boulder, January 2018-August 2020
Advisor: Zoe Donaldson, PhD, Julie Sadino,
PhD Project: Elucidating time course and mechanisms of pair bond dissolution in the socially monogamous Prairie Vole
Sadino JM, Bradeen XG, Kelly CJ, Brusman LE, Walker DM, Donaldson ZR. Prolonged partner separation erodes nucleus accumbens transcriptional signatures of pair bonding in male prairie voles. Elife. 2023 Feb 28;12:e80517. doi: 10.7554/eLife.80517. PMID: 36852906; PMCID: PMC10112888.
Meeting Abstracts
Bradeen XG, Su TT, Harvey P. Screening anticancer compounds using Drosophila Melanogaster as model organisms. (Oral). 2017 Spring CURE Symposium, University of Colorado Boulder. 2017
Bradeen XG. Vargas MA, Su TT, Harvey P. The Effects of eucalyptus oil & ascorbic acid on cancerous tumors using Drosophila Melanogaster as model organisms. (Poster). 2017 Spring CURE Symposium, University of Colorado Boulder. 2017
Bradeen XG, Sadino JM, Donaldson ZR. Mating-induced neuron activation in the monogamous rodent species: Prairie Voles. (Oral) Biological Scholars Initiative Symposium, University of Colorado Boulder. 2018
Bradeen XG, Sadino JM, Donaldson ZR. Mating-induced cfos expression in the nucleus accumbens of the prairie vole. (Poster) Biological Science Initiative Poster Symposium, University of Colorado Boulder. 2019
Bradeen XG, Christians A, Davila E. Characterizing melanoma surface biomarker phenotypes in response to anti-cancer drugs in vitro. (Poster) Summer Cancer Research Experience for Undergraduates Poster Symposium, University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. 2019
Bradeen XG, Christians A, Haverkos B, Davila E. “Identifying novel epigenetic modifiers that sensitize T cell malignancies to CD8+ T cell mediated cytotoxicity by high throughput drug screen. (Oral, Poster) 2022 American Association of Immunologists Conference, Portland, Oregon. 2022"
General Interests
I really love music, binge-watching entire shows over a weekend, hiking, a capella, and spending time with my cat, Cleo!