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2022 Recap with Dr. Ben Weston

As 2022 comes to an end, Dr. Ben Weston reflects on health stories of the year. He states the combination of COVID-19, and the flu is the biggest story. COVID is at lower levels than in the past but continues to have a huge effect on the community and hospitals. With the holidays, people are gathering with friends and family and Dr. Weston comments a surge is always possible. The community should ensure they are up to date on flu and COVID vaccinations, especially if gathering around the medically vulnerable.

Going into 2023, Dr. Weston notes that the availability of virtual-based communications, especially telehealth, will continue to make advances. Telehealth makes it easier for patients to have quicker access to things like their providers or health information. He notes that Milwaukee County will be advancing with EMS and their ability to have access to patient information while out in the community.