About the Medical College of Wisconsin Department of Urology
Welcome from the Chair
Welcome to the Department of Urology at the Medical College of Wisconsin.
As Chair of Urology, I would like to welcome you to our department. Whether you are a referring physician, prospective resident/fellow, or patient, we hope that our website will help you understand the tremendous impact that our department has on the urologic care in Southeastern Wisconsin and beyond. The Department of Urology has a long, storied history here. We have trained many of the urologists in the State of Wisconsin, as well as across the nation. We have contributed to all aspects of urology, including clinical care, education, and research. Our expanding faculty has allowed us to branch out into other areas as well, including community service and foreign missions. Our department offers expert care in all aspects of urology, including cancer, stones, BPH, infertility, and pediatric urology (just to name a few). Our general urologists practice cutting edge care in a community setting. Our training program is the largest in the state, with many of our trainees going on to fellowships and academic medicine. Finally, we are able to accomplish this in a family-like atmosphere. Take a look through our website and let us know if we can help in any way.

Jay Sandlow, MD
Professor and Chair
Department of Urology
Medical College of Wisconsin