Medical College of Wisconsin Catalyst Bioconsulting Team
Leadership Team

Michelle Castillo, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Position within Catalyst: Co-Manager/Consultant

Olivia Koehn, PhD
Postdoctoral Researcher
Position within Catalyst: Co-Manager/Consultant

Simon Orozco, PhD
Clinical Research Coordinator
Position within Catalyst: Portfolio Manager/Consultant

Katelyn Storage
Lab Technician I
Position within Catalyst: Communications Lead/Consultant

Julie Tetzlaff, PhD
Associate Professor of Pediatric Pathology; Catalyst BioConsulting (formerly PICO) Faculty Advisor; COO, Diverge Translational Science Laboratory

Ya Zhuo, PhD
Outreach Lead

Emmanuella Dwomo Agyei
PhD Candidate
Position within Catalyst: Consultant

Madison Nelson
PhD Student
Position within Catalyst: Consultant

Former Catalyst BioConsulting Members
Mahmoud Abu Eid
Muhammad Zeeshan Afzal, B-Pharm, PhD
Medicine (Cardiology), Medical College of Wisconsin
Catalyst BioConsulting Manager
Karima Ait-Aissa, PhD
Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
Cardiovascular Center
Mohammed Aldakkak, MD
Anesthesiology, Medical College of Wisconsin
Research Scientist
Ammar Alsheikh, PhD
AbbVie, Postdoctoral Researcher
Silambarasan Anbumani, PhD
Maria Angeles Baker, MT (ASCP), MBA
Physiology and Translational Science Program, Medical College of Wisconsin
Graduate Student
Brittany Avonts
Jason Bader, PhD
LI-CORE Biosciences, Field Applications Scientist
Jason Bazil, PhD
University of Michigan, Scientist
Andrew Becker
Amina Bedrat, PhD
Catalyst BioConsulting Consultant
Postdoctoral Researcher
Ratnashree Biswas, MBBS, MD
Translational Glycomics, Versiti Blood Research Institute
Catalyst BioConsulting Consultant
Anthony Brandt, PhD
Pharmacology & Toxicology, Medical College of Wisconsin
Postdoctoral Researcher
Michael Brehler
Sarah Caudill, PhD
Physics, University of WI-Milwaukee
Chen Chen, MD, PhD
Microbiology & Immunology, Medical College of Wisconsin
Eric Clark, PhD
Rush Alzheimer's Disease Center, Postdoctoral Researcher
Megan Cory, MD
Stephanie Cossette, PhD
Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin
Study Director in the Toxicology department at Covance
Ashley Cowie, PhD
Michael Best & Friedrich, Patient Scientist Intern
Karthika Divakaran, MS, PhD
Dusanka Djoric, PhD
Microbiology & Immunology, Medical College of Wisconsin
Postdoctoral Fellow
Josh Garlich, PhD
Sheldon Garrison, PhD
Promentis Pharmaceuticals, Director of Pediatric and Rare Diseases
Adam Gastonguay, PhD
Nelson Mullins, LLP, Patent Agent
Emily Gronseth, PhD
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical College of Wisconsin
Postdoctoral Fellow
Hector Ahlers Guillen, PhD
Texas Biomedical Research Institute, Staff Scientist
Madelyn Hanson, PhD
Kantar Health, Research Analyst
Michael Harrison, MD, PhD
Physiology, Medical College of Wisconsin
Brian Hoffmann, PhD
Andrew Kadlec, PhD
Venture Investors, Associate
Pradeep Kannampalli, PhD
Medicine (Gastroenterology-Hepatology), Medical College of Wisconsin
Basil Karam, MD
Madhav Karthik Kodigepalli, PhD
Research Scientist I
Sushma Kommineni, PhD, MS, MS, BS
Pediatrics (Gastroenterology), Medical College of Wisconsin
Seung-Yi Lee
Elizabeth Liedhegner, PhD
University of WI-Milwaukee, Laboratory Manager II
XiaoQian Liu, PhD
Pharmacology and Toxicology, Medical College of Wisconsin
Leadership Team Member, Consultant
Amber Majnik
Dustin Martin, PhD
bioStrategies Group, Analyst
Michael Mashock
Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
Jered McGivern, PhD
Lakeland College
Assistant Professor
Francie Moehring, PhD
Bostin Strategic Partners, Medical Communication Consultant
Salvator Molino, PhD
Ion Moraru, PhD
Quarles and Brady, LLP, Patent Scientist
Gary Mouradian, PhD
Medical College of Wisconsin
Clarissa Muere, PhD
Vanderbilt University, Center for Technology Transfer and Commercialization (CTTC), Licensing Analyst
Hannah Nonarath
PhD Student
Catalyst BioConsulting Portfolio Manager/Consultant
Emily Nordquist, MS
Abdul Kareem Parchur, PhD
Medical College of Wisconsin, CAMPEP Medical Physics Research Fellow
Sara Principi, PhD
Prahlad Rao, PhD
Texas Biomedical Research Institute, Postdoctoral Scientist
Jose Rosas
Catalyst BioConsulting Consultant
PhD Student
Lavannya Sabharwal, PhD
Akankshya Shradhanjali, PhD
Poojitha Sitaram, PhD
Medical College of Wisconsin, Research Associate
Ben Stengel, PhD
Epic, Implementation Consultant
Ranjit S. Verma, PhD
Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of WI-Milwaukee
Léna Borbouse Watanabe, PhD
W.L. Gore & Associates, Aortic Product Specialist
Dustin Whitney, PhD
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Postdoctoral Fellow
Minde Willardsen, PhD
Sedulo Group, Market Research Analyst
Jayne Wolfe
Keith Wu
Biochemistry, Medical College of Wisconsin
Gang Xin, PhD
Versiti Blood Research Institute
Fabian Yu
Pediatrics, Medical College of Wisconsin
Elizabeth Zakszewski, PhD
Neurosurgery, Medical College of Wisconsin
Ling Zhong, PhD
Neurology, Medical College of Wisconsin
Clinical Research Coordinator I
Michael Zickus, PhD
GreatPoint Energy, Analytical Chemist