Research Collaborate Lab Hall

About the Medical College of Wisconsin Center for Immunology

The Center for Immunology was established in 2018 and built on a strong decade-long informal group known as the Committee on Immunology that spanned investigators at the Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW), the Children’s Research Institute and Versiti Blood Research Institute.

The Center for Immunology combines expertise in basic and clinical immunology to accomplish two goals across MCW:

  • Integrate immunological resources around emerging needs in clinical care that will constitute the personalized healthcare of tomorrow
  • Coordinate immunological research investment capacity by coordinating Center communications and interactions

The comprehensive Center for Immunology will coordinate the resources, investments and research strengths in immunology to build additional capacity in basic and translational research to enhance patient care and strengthen MCW’s connection to the community.

To achieve these goals the Center for Immunology will empower clinicians and basic scientists to collaborate in translational research, to understand immune pathology and pathophysiology, and to develop individualized and effective treatments for our patients. Congruent with these translational goals the Center will streamline the education of tomorrow’s physicians so that they are conversant in the use of immune-based therapies and confident in initiating cutting-edge trials with new therapies.

Mission, Vision and Values



Advance and promote collaborative & innovative connections between researchers and clinicians performing cutting-edge immunology research, providing state-of-the-art patient-care, and training the next generation of immunologists.



The Center will establish an internationally recognized, comprehensive, multidisciplinary immunology research program, and partner with clinicians to deliver outstanding care to patients with immunological diseases.



  • Exploration: Impartially Investigate / Examine Critically / Inform Medicine
  • Collaboration: Modern Programs / Shared Resources / Innovative Care
  • Education: Share Knowledge / Provide Skills / Extend Expertise
  • Connection: Engage Philanthropy / Foster Recognition / Raise Awareness