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MCW Comprehensive Injury Center Research Grants and Awards

Information on the Comprehensive Injury Center's current and past grants, contracts, and awards.

Current Research Grants, Contracts, and Awards

“Remembering the Lost: How Investigation of Military Suicides Can Improve Prevention Resources”
$316,576 from Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin Endowment
Principal Investigator: Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH

“Healthiest Manitowoc County Substance Abuse Prevention Coalition”
$168,442 from the Northeast Wisconsin Area Health Education Center
Principal Investigator: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“Project Zero: Every One Matters”
$316,760 from AHW-Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program
Principal Investigator: Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH

“Acute Predictors of Long-term Post-trauma Outcomes in Youth Victims of Violence”
$684,963 from NIMH
Principal Co-investigator: Michael Levas, MD

“A Translational Study of Epigenetic and Neural Mechanisms of Risk Phenotypes for PTSD”
$250,000 from CTSI MCW
Principal Co-investigator: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“Utilization of Healthcare in Children at Risk for Suicide”
$75,000 from the Children’s Research Institute
Principal Investigator: Michelle Pickett, MD

"Using Hospital Records of Patients Presenting to Froedtert Hospital to Predict Risk of Opioid Use Disorder (OUD), Fatal and Non-fatal Opioid Overdose, and ED Readmission."
$50,000 from CTSI
Principal Investigator: Dr. Hargarten

“Project AWARE”
$300,000 (sub-contract) from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Principal Investigator: Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH

“Dissociation and Trauma in the Latinx population: Cultural x Biological Model”
$73,908 from NIH/NIDA
Co-Mentor: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“Effects of State Laws to Reduce Opioid Diversion on Transitions to Injection Drug Use and HIV/HCV Transmission”
$34,833 from NIH/NIDA
Co-mentor: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“Avielle Foundation: Cardiff Translation”
$50,000 from the Avielle Foundation
Principal Investigator: Jennifer-Hernandez-Meier, PhD

“Structured cognitive therapy to improve neurocognitive dysfunction in older intensive care unit sepsis survivors”
$50,000 from CTSI MCW
Principal Co-investigator: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“Acute endocannabinoid activity involved in hyperarousal, memory formation, and non-remitting PTSD: A dense sampling approach”
$376,484 from NIH
Principal Investigator: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“Dissociation and Trauma in the Latinx population: Cultural x Biological Model”
$36,954 from CTSI Start TL1 Mentored Research Training Program
Co-Mentor: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“Evidence for the Gut-Brain Axis: Intestinal Bacterial Composition Changes in Trauma Survivors with Non-remitting PTSD”
$25,000 from Imagine More Foundation
Principal Co-investigator: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“Evidence for the Gut-Brain Axis: Intestinal Bacterial Composition Changes in Trauma Survivors with Non-remitting PTSD”
$75,000 from Comprehensive Injury Center
Principal Co-investigator: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“Cardiff: Information Sharing Partnerships to Reduce Opioid Misuse and Violence”
$761,919 (sub-contract) from the West Allis Health Department
Principal Investigator: Jennifer-Hernandez-Meier, PhD

“Medical Student Summer Research Training in Aging & Injury”
Principal Investigator: Linda Meurer, MD, MPH and Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH

“Advanced Topics Mandated Reporter Training Module
Non-Restricted Dates
$2,000 from Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin – Child Abuse Prevention Fund
Principal Investigator: Lynn Sheets

Past Research Grants, Contracts, and Awards

The following list includes the research grants, contracts, and awards that ended in 2018-2020.

“Resilience Building through a Novel Virtual Mental Health Clinic”
May 2020-Oct 2020
$25,000 from the Greater Milwaukee Foundation
Principal Co-investigator: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“WVDRS and SUDORS Contract”
$170,440 (sub-contract) from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Principal Investigator: Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH

“Feasibility of a validation study of the injured trauma survivor screen”
$50,000 from CTSI MCW
Principal Co-investigator: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

FY20 DOC Contract
$99,874 from the WI Department of Corrections
Principal Investigator: Dr. Hargarten

“Whole Brain High Resolution fMRI of Neural Circuitry Underpinning Neurocognitive Dysfunction in ICU Survivors of Sepsis”
Jan 2019-Dec 2019
$5,000 from Center for Imaging Research, MCW
Principal Co-investigator: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“Microbial dysbiosis and gene expression may explain disparate health outcomes in ethnic minorities”
$50,000 from CTSI Pilot Award
Principal Co-investigator: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“Destination Zero: Zero Suicide in Fond du Lac County”
$419,691 from AHW-Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program
Principal Investigator: Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH

“Feasibility of a Multi-Institutional Validation Study of the Injured Trauma Survivor Screen”
$25,000 from Research Affairs Committee New Faculty Grant, MCW
Mentor: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“Medical Student Summer Research Training in Aging and Injury”
$68,940 from National Institute on Aging: Institutional National Research Service Award
Research Faculty (as needed): Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“Milwaukee Trauma Outcomes Project (MTOP)”
$150,000 from Marquette University 2017 Innovation Fund
Principal Co-investigator: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“Racial and Ethnic Disparities and PTSD: The Role of Socio-environmental and Biologic Vulnerability”
$50,000 from MCW, Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Principal Investigator: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“Improving Patient-centered Outcome Measurement for Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury”
$30,000 from MCW, Patient Centered Outcomes Research
Principal Co-investigator: Terri deRoon-Cassini, PhD, MS

“Wisconsin Violent Death Reporting System” (WVDRS)
$96,738 (sub-contract) from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Principal Investigator: Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH

“Department of Corrections Subcontract”
$99,682 (sub-contract) from the State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections
Principal Investigator: Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH

“Violent Death Abstractor – Opioid Module Year 2”
$85,997 (sub-contract) from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Principal Investigator: Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH

“Pediatric Performance Measures: Improving EMS Care for Time-Critical Illness and Injury”
$54,091 (sub-contract) from the Health Resources and Services Administration
Principal Investigator: E. Brooke Lerner, PhD

“Prevention Initiatives for the Opioid Epidemic in Milwaukee”
$50,000 from the Zilber Family Foundation
Principal Investigator: E. Brooke Lerner, PhD

“ProHealth System with PDMP/EHR Integration”
$241,269 from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Principal Investigator, Amy Zosel, MD, MSCS

“The Cardiff Model: Building Capacity for Law Enforcement-Public Health Partnerships to Address Violence”
$499,694 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance
Principal Investigator: Jennifer Hernandez-Meier, MSW and Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH

“Reducing Opioid Abuse and Misuse in Waukesha County through Sustainable Health Systems Change”
$408,448 from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Principal Investigator: Amy E. Zosel, MD, MSCS

“Preparing the Community to Improve the Odds of Cardiac Arrest Survival”
$491,269 from Advancing Healthier Wisconsin Partnership
Principal Investigator: E. Brooke Lerner, PhD

“Prescription Drug Overdose Prevention: Opioid Stewardship in Wisconsin”
$181,341 from the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Principal Investigator, Amy Zosel, MD, MSCS

“Creating a Jackson County that supports Mental Health”
2015 - 2018
$374,504 from the Healthier Wisconsin Partnership Program
Principal Investigator: Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH

“Development of the Charlotte, Houston, and Milwaukee Prehospital Research Node”
$900,000 originally, $1,199,982 in the competitive renewal from Health Resources and Services Administration
Principal Investigator: E. Brooke Lerner, PhD

“Use of Mechanism of Injury for the Identification of Severely Injured Children”
$1,494,282 from NIH Child Health and Human Development
Principal Investigator: E. Brooke Lerner, PhD