Physician Patient

Medical College of Wisconsin Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship

MCW offers a one-year full-time fellowship in forensic psychiatry co-sponsored by the Mendota Mental Health Institute, Central Wisconsin Center, and the Wisconsin Department of Corrections.

About the Fellowship


The fellows study together weekly covering the full gamut of relevant legal and psychiatric issues. Trainees in a forensic psychological postdoctoral fellowship also participate in the lecture series. The faculty includes psychiatrists with ABPN subspecialty certification in Forensic Psychiatry, forensic psychologists, attorneys, and other clinician educators. Fellows are also provided with funding and travel time to attend the annual Forensic Review Course and Annual Meeting for the American Academy of Psychiatry and Law.

Application Process

The MCW Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship Program has two (2) positions and accepts ongoing applications. Interested applicants should complete the MCWAH application form and submit it to the department of psychiatry along with the necessary items from the application packet list. Typically, interviews take place in the fall for the upcoming academic year. Our program does not utilize ERAS. Interested applicants should submit a completed application packet with the following items:

  • MCWAH application form (PDF)
  • Current CV (gaps in time greater than one month must be explained)
  • Personal Statement explaining your interests and goals
  • Original Transcript of Steps 1, 2 and 3 Scores (must pass all 3 steps before applying)
  • Medical School Dean’s Letter
  • Medical School Transcript
  • Copy of Medical School Diploma
  • ECFMG Certificate (International Medical School Graduates)
  • Visa Status Information (international citizens)
  • At least one writing sample (e.g., de-identified forensic report or psychiatric evaluation, published manuscript as first author)
  • 3 Letters of Recommendation
    • One of the letters should be from your current training director and included your Training Summary
    • Letters of recommendation should be addressed sent directly to Dr. Erik Knudson.

Once all items have been obtained, return the complete application packet to psychfellowships@mcw.edu.

Clinical Rotations

Fellows will spend most of their time at Mendota Mental Health Institute in Madison, WI. Part-time rotations also occur in Waupun, WI at Dodge Correctional Institution and the Central Wisconsin Center in Madison.
Mendota Mental Health Institute
Each fellow works at Mendota Mental Health Institute, a forensic state psychiatric hospital, in Madison, WI. This is a 12-month longitudinal experience. Time at Mendota is spent predominantly on an inpatient basis performing evaluations of competency to stand trial, treating individuals to regain competency to stand trial and treating insanity acquittees; this includes learning how to write involuntary medication order requests and testify in these hearings. Fellows will also have exposure to administrative forensic psychiatry, risk assessment, and assessment of sexual violence risk as well as treatment of sex offenders. Fellows will also participate in guardianship evaluations and testimony regarding civil commitment.

Fellows are also offered an elective rotation at the Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center (MJTC), which is a 29-bed secure treatment facility that delivers comprehensive mental health services to teen boys whose highly disruptive behavior and failure to respond to standard treatment has warranted their transfer to the facility from Wisconsin’s juvenile corrections system. MJTC seeks to rehabilitate youth by helping participants understand interpersonal processes, acquire social skills, and improve normative social connections. As part of this rotation, fellows will also have the opportunity to participate in hearings where release and other dispositional decisions are made. Fellows also will have the opportunity to participate in forensic assessment of juveniles, such as competency or waiver evaluations. 
Wisconsin Department of Corrections
Additionally, fellows will rotate part-time in the Department of Corrections, at Dodge Correctional Institution in Waupun, WI. This is another 12-month longitudinal experience one day per week. In this setting, fellows will work alongside psychological services and medical staff members to provide care to inmates with mental health needs. Dodge Correctional Institution is the intake facility for adults entering the Wisconsin prison system.
Central Wisconsin Center
Fellows rotate one half-day per week for six months at the Short-Term Assessment and Treatment Program (STAP) at Central Wisconsin Center (CWC), which is designed to meet the unique needs of children, adolescents and adults with mild-profound intellectual disabilities combined with significant behavioral challenges and/or psychiatric needs. Behavioral challenges may include self-injurious behavior, aggression or property destruction.
Outpatient Forensic Evaluations
Throughout the year, fellows participate in civil and criminal forensic cases with faculty in Madison and throughout the state, including criminal responsibility evaluations. Fellows are excused from other responsibilities when these opportunities take place.
Research/Quality Improvement
Fellows are required to participate in a research activity, provide a Grand Rounds on an educational topic in forensic psychiatry, and/or develop a quality improvement project during the fellowship. Fellows are given protected time in their schedule for these projects and are paired with appropriate staff members for mentorship.

Meet the Team

Director | Jacqueline Landess, MD, JD, FAPA

Jacqueline Landess, MD, JD, FAPAJacqueline Landess, MD, JD, FAPA, is the Training Director of the Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship. Dr. Landess earned her medical degree from Vanderbilt University before completing her general psychiatry residency and forensic psychiatry fellowship at Northwestern University and University of Colorado, respectively. She also received her law degree from Indiana University. Before coming to Mendota, Dr. Landess served as the Director of Medical Student Education and the Associate Training Director of the Forensic Fellowship at St. Louis University. She has worked in a wide variety of clinical settings including jails, prisons, juvenile detention centers, tele-health and inpatient units. Dr. Landess has published and presented nationally on numerous forensic topics. She currently serves as the co-chair of the Group for Advancement of Psychiatry’s (GAP) committee on Psychiatry & the Law and is a former Rappeport Fellow and co-chair of the Women’s Committee in the American Academy of Psychiatry & the Law (AAPL). Dr. Landess’s research and scholarly interests include correctional psychiatry, mental health courts, diversion and re-entry programming, malpractice, forensic assessment of special populations, such as women and adolescents, and constitutional law. Dr. Landess also maintains a private forensic practice, providing consultation to attorneys and courts in both civil and criminal matters.



Beverly Hayes

Program Coordinator




Eric Knudson, MD

Associate Training Director


Gregory J. Van Rybroek, PhD, JD

Director, Mendota Mental Health Institute; Clinical Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, MCW


Molli L. Rolli, MD

Medical Director, Mendota Mental Health Institute


Colleen Considine, MD


Karyn L. Gust-Brey, PhD

Licensed Psychologist, Mendota Mental Health Institute


Michelle Hume, MD, PhD

Staff Psychiatrist, Mendota Mental Health Institute


Elliot R. Lee, MD, PhD

Staff Psychiatrist, Mendota Mental Health Institute


Mark Phelps, MD

Staff Psychiatrist, Mendota Mental Health Institute


Jeffrey M. Washelesky, PsyD

Licensed Psychologist, Mendota Mental Health Institute


Michael Witkovsky, MD, MS

Volunteer Clinical Faculty

Contact Us

The Forensic Psychiatry Fellowship is accredited by the American Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME).

Beverly Hayes

Program Coordinator

Dr. Jacqueline Landess

Program Director