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Dr. Nicole Lohr Elected ACC's Incoming Board of Governors Chair Elect

Nicole Lohr, MD/PhD, associate professor of medicine, chief of cardiovascular medicine at Zablocki VA Medical Center, and medical director of clinical trials for the division of cardiology in the department of medicine at Medical College of Wisconsin (MCW), has been elected by her peers as the Incoming Board of Governors Chair-Elect of the American College of Cardiology (ACC). Dr. Lohr will serve as ACC Board of Governors Chair-Elect from March 2022 to March 2023 and then Board of Governors Chair from March 2023 to March 2024.

“My congratulations to Dr. Lohr on being elected by her peers for such an important role,” said Dr. Roy Silverstein, chair of the Department of Medicine at MCW. “It is fantastic to see our faculty take on regional and national leadership roles. This will be a great experience for Dr. Lohr and she will undoubtedly bring much to the table for the ACC.”

The Board of Governors is the ACC's grassroots forum. Governors are the only elected leaders in the ACC, and they represent members in Canada, Mexico, the United States and Puerto Rico. Governors also serve as chapter presidents in their states and regions where chapters exist. Members of the Board of Governors are the liaisons between the local chapters and the ACC headquarters. The Chair and Chair-Elect serve on the Board of Trustees of the ACC.

The ACC is a nonprofit medical association established in 1949 and headquartered in Washington, D.C. It is the primary professional society representing medical and pediatric cardiologists and supports the clinical, educational, and research mission of its members.  The college publishes a top tier journal in cardiology and sponsors an annual meeting for cardiologists to disseminate clinical and translational research and provide educational and career development opportunities for its members. It also advocates for cardiovascular health policy and cardiovascular research at the national and regional levels.

“I am humbled and excited to hold this national position,” said Dr. Lohr, who obtained her medical and PhD degrees from MCW along with her clinical training in Medicine and Cardiology. She has spent her entire career at MCW and is currently funded by NIH and the VA Merit Review Program for her innovative research program in translational vascular biology. “I am the fifth woman in the 72-year history of the ACC to hold this office. I hope to make MCW proud.”

Dr. Lohr is the first Board of Governors member from the Wisconsin Chapter of the ACC to hold the position of Chair Elect.

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