February 8, 2021
Speaker: Dr. Jessica Olson
Topic: Paths Less traveled: Exploring scientific careers outside of traditional trajectories
February 22, 2021
Speaker: Jeff Amundson
Topic: Transformation of a Farmer to an RO1 Scientist to an Educator
April 12, 2021
Speaker: Dr. Himanshu Agrawal and Chandler McElrath
Topic: “Just Work it Off”
April 25, 2021
Speakers: Dr. Ryan Spellecy and Dr. Chris Starwski
Topic: RCR Refresher - Mentoring
May 10, 2021
Speaker: Claire Becker
Topic: Career Coaching
May 24, 2021
Speaker: Dr. Michaela Patterson
Topic: A Roadmap to an Array of Academic Positions
June 28, 2021
Speaker: Dr. Nai-Fen Su
Topic: Smart Job Search for Biomedical Sciences (PDF)
Big Interview provide interview learning modules, video interview questions and recording, and resume builder, feel tree to use your MCW email to register an account and access it.
Salary Search Websites:
UMass-Job Search Tips:
Zippia: Job/skills/salary information, etc.
June 14, 2021
Speaker: Dr. Adedeji Badiru
Topic: Project Management for Scholarly Research & Innovation
July 12, 2021
Speaker: Dr. Brian Link
Topic: Pros and Cons of Preprints
October 25, 2021
Time: 12-2 p.m.
Topic: Responsible Conduct of Research: The scientist as a responsible member of society, contemporary ethical issues in biomedical research, and the environmental and societal impacts of scientific research.
December 13, 2021
Time: 12-1 p.m.
Topic: Writing a Resume or CV to Get Noticed!