Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Graduate Medical Education

Graduate Medical Education at the Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals Inc. (MCWAH)

Questions, Contacts and Resources

If the subject you are looking for is not listed below, please contact the GME office at gme@mcw.edu. Your email will be forwarded to the appropriate staff.
MCWAH GME Office Staff

Mark D. Hohenwalter, MD
Executive Director and Designated Institutional Official, MCWAH
Associate Dean, GME
(414) 955-4577

Tricia Bartelt, CPA
GME Reimbursement Program Manager II
(414) 955-4926

Cassidy Berns
Education Program Manager II
(414) 955-4069

Cathleen C. Brummer, MSM, C-TAGME
Administrator - Graduate Medical Education
(414) 955-4579

Nancy Duran, RN, JD
Director of Risk Management
(414) 955-4847

Maria Gascoigne
Administrative Assistant Sr
(414) 955-4583

Jennifer Kraus
GME Institutional Program Coordinator III
(414) 955-4571

Deb Jafuta
Program Manager I
(414) 955-4575

Selena Monroe
Benefits Coordinator
(414) 955-4574

Kelly Reinke
Administrative Assistant Sr
(414) 955-4582

Michael Schwabenlander
Administrative Coordinator
(414) 955-4577

Lori Wasedalek
Program Manager I
(414) 955-4578

Jan Worcester
Education Program Coordinator II
(414) 955-4586

Address Change
gme@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4575
Background Check
gme@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4575
COBRA Insurance Continuation
Lori Wasedalek | lorijw@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4578
Injured Patients and Families Compensation Fund Letters and Request for Exemption
Debra Jafuta | djafuta@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4575
Insurance Enrollment for Health Dental Vision
Selena Monroe | smonroe@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4574
Insurance - Verification of Professional Liability Insurance Coverage and Claims History
Leave of Absence - FMLA and Non-FMLA Medical Personnel
Cathleen C. Brummer, MSM, C-TAGME | cbrummer@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4579
License and Temporary Educational Permit
Maria Gascoigne | mgasco@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4583
Malpractice Insurance - Claims or Reporting Issue
Nancy Duran, RN, JD | nduran@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4847
NPI Number
gme@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4575
Patient Safety Concerns
Nancy Duran, RN, JD | nduran@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4847
Remote Access Roadmap
Risk Management
Nancy Duran, RN, JD | nduran@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4847
Verification of Employment
gme@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4575
Verification of GME Training
gme@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4575
Verification Process of Housestaff
gme@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4575
Lori Wasedalek | lorijw@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4578
Visiting Housestaff
gme@mcw.edu | (414) 955-4575