MCW Pathology & Laboratory Medicine - Pediatric Pathology
The division of Pediatric Pathology, under the direction of Jason Jarzembowski, MD, PhD, has a full-time faculty of seven board-certified pathologists, six of whom have subspecialty boards in Pediatric Pathology, and one Neuropathology. Three clinical PhDs serve as directors of Microbiology/Virology, Immunology, Clinical Chemistry, and Molecular Diagnostics. The division’s faculty also includes four PhD basic scientists.
In addition to excellence in general pediatric anatomic and clinical pathology, the Children's/CSG Division of Pediatric Pathology has nationally and internationally recognized expertise in a number of fields, including diagnosis of pediatric solid tumors, perinatal and placental pathology, pediatric and adult vascular anomalies (vascular tumors and malformations), pediatric cardiac and gastrointestinal pathology, pediatric cytopathology, nerve and muscle pathology, pharmacogenetic testing, biochemical genetic testing, and molecular diagnosis of infectious and inherited disease.
Clinical Service
The division provides a full range of subspecialized pediatric testing through the Children’s Wisconsin (Children's) Clinical Laboratories, under the accreditation of the College of American Pathologists:
- The Children's Clinical Chemistry Lab performs comprehensive biochemical testing for metabolic disorders as well as routine chemical analyses.
- The Children's Microbiology Lab utilizes state-of-the-art MALDI-TOF identification of organisms and molecular detection of pathogens in collaboration with the Children's Molecular Diagnostics Lab, which also performs pharmacogenetic analysis as well as unique assays for coagulopathy and congenital hearing loss.
- The Children's Hematology Lab includes routine blood counts and testing incorporating automated screening through Cellavision technology, bone marrow analysis including flow cytometry for leukemias and lymphomas, and coagulation assays such as rapid thromboelastography (TEG).
- The Children's Histology Lab performs a variety of routine, special, immunohistochemical, immunofluorescent, and in situ hybridization staining for surgical pathology, cytopathology, and autopsy cases. Comprehensive muscle and nerve biopsy analysis are performed in the Children's and MCW Neuromuscular Laboratories.
Pediatric Pathology Faculty

Blake Buchan, PhD, DABMM

Ashley Cunningham, MD
Associate Professor

Amanda M. Hopp, MD
Assistant Professor; MCW Tissue Bank QC Pathologist
Program Director, Cytopathology Fellowship

Jason A. Jarzembowski, MD, PhD
Sr Associate Dean, Interim CEO CSG, Professor and Vice Chair, Pediatric Pathology, Medical Director CW Clinical Laboratory

Michael W. Lawlor, MD, PhD
Mechanisms and treatment of congenital skeletal muscle disorders, with a particular interest in gene therapy

Kelly Mrachek, MD
Assistant Professor

Paula E. North, MD, PhD

Lauren Parsons, MD
Associate Professor

Annette D. Segura, MD
Adjunct Assistant Professor