Mother Child W Physician

Residents as Educators During Medical College of Wisconsin Pediatric Residency

The Residents as Educators curriculum – also known as Residents As Teachers and Supervisors Supervising and Teaching As Residents (Rat Stars) – recognizes that while medical students receive much of their teaching from residents, many residents do not feel well-trained to be effective educators early in their career. The curriculum we have in place is a dynamic, interactive and relevant one that walks residents through basic educational terminology and builds up to the challenge of helping struggling learners. This is also an area where residents who are interested in medical education/academic medicine as a career have ample opportunities and mentorship to design and implement a scholarly project.

The curriculum spans all three years and some of the notable areas we focus on are:

  • how to give effective feedback
  • how to write meaningful evaluations
  • how to handle team dysfunction and build strong teams
  • how to use learning styles to your advantage
  • teaching with limited time
  • preparing an effective presentation
  • how to have difficult conversations with patients and families

The Residents as Educators team is led by Dr. Kris Saudek.

Contact Us

Pediatrics Residency Program

Medical Education Office
Children's Corporate Center
999 N. 92nd St., Suite 730
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 266-6800
(414) 337-7068 (fax)