Research Bench Lab

Tecle Laboratory

Microbiology & Immunology
Office: TBRC C3970, Lab: TBRC C3673

General Interests
Epithelial Immunity, Intracellular Pathogens, Purine Metabolism, Glycobiology

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Tecle Lab Research Areas

Research Areas

The broad goal of the Tecle lab’s research program is to investigate the mechanisms that regulate innate epithelial immune responses against intracellular pathogens. To do this, we use infection of the Caenorhabditis elegans intestine by its natural microsporidian pathogen as a model system. The transparent body of C. elegans allows for direct visualization of its twenty non-renewable intestinal cells during infection, and the lack of professional immune cells in C. elegans allows one to focus on epithelial defense specifically. Our current research focus is two-fold. First, we are investigating the role of purine recycling in the host response to microsporidia infection. Second, we are exploring the host glycome to identify factors required for microsporidia infection.

Recent Publications