Research Lab Bench

Medical College of Wisconsin Physiology Secondary Appointments

Xiaowen Bai, MD, PhD
Professor, Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy
(414) 955-5755 | xibai@mcw.edu

Ivor J. Benjamin, MD, FAHA, FACC
Director, Cardiovascular Center; Professor, Medicine, Physiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Cell Biology, Neurobiology & Anatomy, and Surgery; Program Director, CVC T32 Training Program
(414) 955-6716 | ibenjamin@mcw.edu

Andreas Beyer, PhD
Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Cardiology
(414) 456-7514 | abeyer@mcw.edu

Zeljko J. Bosnjak, PhD
Professor Emeritus, Medicine (Endocrinology)
(414) 456-5687 | zboesnjak@mcw.edu

Ulrich Broeckel, MD
Professor, Pediatrics; Adjunct Professor of Medicine, Physiology and School of Pharmacy; Chief, Section of Genomic Pediatrics; Associate Director, Pharmacogenomics, Linda T. and John A. Mellowes Center for Genomic Sciences and Precision Medicine
(414) 955-2382 | broeckel@mcw.edu

Amadou K. Camara, PhD
Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Research
(414) 456-5624 | aksc@mcw.edu

Pradeep Chaluvally-Raghavan, PhD
Associate Professor; Linda G. and Herbert J. Buchsbaum, MD, Chair in Gynecologic Oncology
(414) 955-2573 | pchaluvally@mcw.edu

Ranjan K. Dash, PhD
Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering; Professor, Department of Physiology; Co-Director of Graduate Studies
(414) 955-4497 | rdash@mcw.edu

Caron Dean-Bernhoft, PhD
Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Research
(414) 384-2000 x41577 | cdean@mcw.edu

Matt Durand, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
(414) 944-5619 | mdurand@mcw.edu

Thomas J. Ebert, MD, PhD
Adjunct Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, Division of Clinical
(414) 384-2000 x42424 | tjebert@mcw.edu 

Jose Franco, MD
Associate Dean of Educational Improvement; Star Center Director; Professor, Medicine (Gastroenterology and Hepatology) and Pediatrics
(414) 456-6850 | jfranco@mcw.edu

Julie K. Freed, MD, PhD
Associate Professor, Department of Anesthesiology; Executive Vice Chair; Director of Clinical Research
(414) 955-7487 | jfreed@mcw.edu

Andy Greene, PhD.
Professor, The Jackson Laboratory of Mammalian Genetics; MCW & UWM Adjunct Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering
(207) 288-1828 | andy.greene@jax.org

John LaDisa, Jr., PhD
Professor of Pediatrics and Biomedical Engineering
(414) 456-2205 | jladisa@mcw.edu

Michael Lawlor, MD, PhD
Professor; Associate Director, Neuroscience Research Center; Director, Congenital Muscle Disease Tissue Repository
(414) 955-2959 | mlawlor@mcw.edu

Joy Lincoln, PhD
Peter Sommerhauser Chair for Cardiac Quality, Outcomes and Research; Professor, Department of Pediatrics; Associate Chief Scientific Officer, Children's Research Institute; Associate Section Chief, Pediatric Cardiology; Director of Cardiovascular Research, Herma Heart Institute; Associate Director, Cardiovascular Center
(414) 266-2434 | jlincoln@mcw.edu

Jennifer Jury Mcintosh, MS, DO
Associate Professor, Maternal-Fetal Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology
(414) 805-8506 | jmcintosh@mcw.edu 

Joshua A. Meskin, MD, FACC 
Vice Chair for Ambulatory Operations; Associate Professor, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine; Director, Froedtert & MCW Echocardiographic Laboratories Froedtert & MCW Health Network 
(414) 955-6777 | jmeskin@mcw.edu

Sunila Pradeep, PhD
Associate Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology
(414) 955-2673 | spradeep@mcw.edu

Hershel Raff, PhD, FAAAS, FAPS
Professor, Medicine, Physiology and Surgery; Director, Endocrine Research Laboratory
(414) 649-6421 | hraff@mcw.edu

Ramani Ramchandran, PhD 
Professor, Department of Pediatrics 
(414) 955-2387 | rramchan@mcw.edu 

Kajana Satkunendrarajah, PhD 
Associate Professor, Department of Neurosurgery 

Jeffrey Segar, MD
Associate Chair, Professor of Neonatology, Department of Pediatrics
(414) 266-6820 | jsegar@mcw.edu

Roy L. Silverstein, MD 
Chair and Linda and John Mellowes Professor of Medicine; Associate Director, Clinomics, Linda T. and John A. Mellowes Center for Genomic Sciences and Precision Medicine; Associate Director, Medical Scientist Training Program
(414) 955-0518 | rsilverstein@mcw.edu

Andrey Sorokin, PhD
Professor, Medicine (Nephrology) and Microbiology & Immunology
(414) 955-4438 | sorokin@mcw.edu

David F. Stowe, MD, PhD 
Professor, Department of Anesthesiology 
(414) 456-5722 | dfstowe@mcw.edu

Raul A. Urrutia, MD 
Professor, Department of Surgery; Director, Linda T. and John A. Mellowes Center for Genomic Sciences and Precision Medicine
(414) 955-4885 | rurrutia@mcw.edu

Tao Wang, PhD 
Associate Professor, Biostatistics 
(414) 955-4339 | TaoWang@mcw.edu

Ze Zheng, MBBS, PhD
Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine (Endocrinology)