Medical College of Wisconsin Society for Research Excellence
To foster, promote, and recognize excellence across MCW in all types of research and discovery
About the Society

The Office of Research is pleased to host the MCW Society for Research Excellence. New members are elected each year and announced at the fall Convocation ceremony.
Members of the SRE are characterized by such experience as:
Sustained research leadership leading to high impact discoveries or findings
History of serving as an effective mentor for trainees and/or junior faculty
National recognition for research, such as high visibility publications, national or international leadership roles, and/or receipt of awards
MCW full time or full professional effort appointment for at least 5 years
The nomination period for new members typically runs in the late spring/early summer. For inquiries about the society, contact the Office of Research.
Current Members

Tom P. Aufderheide, MD, MS, FACEP, FACC, FAHA
Professor; Director, Resuscitation Research Center; PCIR Director, CTSI Southeast WI

Joseph T. Barbieri, PhD
Professor, Microbiology & Immunology; Associate Director, Medical Scientist Training Program

Ivor Benjamin, MD, FAHA, FACC
Professor, Medicine, Physiology, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy, and Surgery; Program Director, CVC T32 Training Program

Jeffrey R. Binder, MD
Professor of Neurology, Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy, and Biophysics; Director of Stroke and Neurobehavior Programs, Department of Neurology; Director of Language Imaging Laboratory, Department of Neurology

William B. Campbell, PhD

Joseph Carroll, PhD
Richard O. Schultz, MD / Ruth Works Professor of Ophthalmology Professor of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, Biophysics, and Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy Director, Advanced Ocular Imaging Program

Jenifer Coburn, PhD
Professor, Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and Microbiology & Immunology; Center for Infectious Disease Research

John A. Corbett, PhD
Professor and Chair

Allen W. Cowley, Jr., PhD
Harry & Gertrude Hack Term Professorship in Physiology

Nancy M. Dahms, PhD
Emeritus Professor

Julia Dickson-Gomez, PhD

William R. Drobyski, MD
Mariette C. and Philip W. Orth/Tom Anderson Chair of Oncology; Co-Leader, Discovery and Developmental Therapeutics Program, Cancer Center; Professor, Medicine (Hematology/Oncology), Pediatrics, Microbiology & Immunology

Mary Eapen, MRCPI, MS, MBBS

Aron Geurts, PhD
John E. and Genevieve M. Butenhoff Cardiovascular Research Professorship

David D. Gutterman, MD
Distinguished Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine; Senior Associate Director Emeritus, Cardiovascular Center; Program Director, CVC T32 Training Program

Stephen Hargarten, MD, MPH
Professor; Founding Director, Comprehensive Injury Center; Senior Science and Policy Advisor

Cecilia J. Hillard, PhD
Associate Dean for Research; Professor; Director, Neuroscience Research Center; G. Frederick Kasten, Jr. Endowed Chair in Parkinson’s Disease Research

Quinn Hogan, MD

Mary M. Horowitz, MD, MS
Robert A. Uihlein, Jr. Professor of Hematologic Research; Director, Center for International Blood & Marrow Transplant Research; Associate Director, Cancer, Linda T. and John A. Mellowes Center for Genomic Sciences and Precision Medicine

Elizabeth R. Jacobs, MD, MBA
Professor Emeritus

Balaraman Kalyanaraman, PhD
Harry R. & Angeline E. Quadracci Professor in Parkinson’s Research

Jeffrey A. Kelly, PhD
Professor and Director, CAIR

Purushottam W. Laud, PhD
Professor, Biostatistics

Brent R. Logan, PhD
Director & Professor, Biostatistics

Julian H. Lombard, PhD
Professor; Physiology Course Director

Jonathan S. Marchant, MA, PhD
Marcus Professor & Chair

Michael McCrea, PhD, ABPP
The Shekar N. Kurpad, MD, PhD, Chair in Neurosurgery; Professor; Vice Chair of Research; Co-director, Neurotrauma Research Center; Director, Brain Injury Research Program

Ann B. Nattinger, MD, MPH, MACP
Vice Dean for Research, School of Medicine; Associate Provost for Research; Professor of Medicine, Lady Riders Professor of Breast Cancer Research; Principal Investigator, CHDS

Frank A. Pintar, PhD
Founding Chair, Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering; Professor, Neurosurgery

Daisy Sahoo, PhD
Dean, School of Graduate Studies; Women in Science Endowed Professor; Secondary Faculty in Biochemistry and Pharmacology and Toxicology

Nita H. Salzman, MD, PhD
Professor, Pediatrics and Microbiology & Immunology; Director, Medical Scientist Training Program; Founding Director, Center for Microbiome Research

Kathleen M. Schmainda, PhD

Elena Semina, PhD
Marjorie and Joseph Heil Professor of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences; Professor, Pediatrics; Professor, Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Anatomy

Reza Shaker, MD
Joseph E. Geenen Professor & Chief

Bronwen E Shaw, MD, PhD
Professor; Scientific Director CIBMTR

Curt D. Sigmund, PhD
James J. Smith & Catherine Welsch Smith Professor of Physiology; Chair of Physiology; Associate Director, Cardiovascular Center

Roy Silverstein, MD
Professor and Chair Emeritus, Department of Medicine; Associate Director, Medical Scientist Training Program; Senior Investigator, Versiti Blood Research Institute; Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology

Melinda Stolley, PhD
Ann E. Heil Professor of Cancer Research, Associate Director of Population Sciences and Co-Leader, Cancer Control research program, Cancer Center; Professor, Medicine (Hematology/Oncology)

Cheryl L. Stucky, PhD
Marvin Wagner Professor

Aoy Tomita Mitchell, PhD
Professor with Tenure, Department of Surgery, Division of Pediatric Cardiothoracic Surgery, and Professor of Biomedical Engineering

Brian F. Volkman, PhD
Director, Program in Chemical Biology; Professor, Biochemistry
Gilbert C. White, II, MD
Executive Vice President for Research and Director, Versiti Blood Research Institute; Richard H. and Sara E. Aster Chair for Medical Research, Blood Center of Wisconsin; Professor, Medicine and Biochemistry; Associate Dean for Research, Medical College of Wisconsin

Michael E. Widlansky, MD, MPH
Northwestern Mutual Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, Department of Medicine and Pharmacology; Director of the Cardiovascular Center

Carol L. Williams, PhD
Joan K. Van Deuren Professor in Breast Cancer Research; Leader, Cancer Biology Research Program, Cancer Center; Professor, Pharmacology & Toxicology

Mei-Jie Zhang, PhD
Professor, Biostatistics
Emeritus Members
Emeritus members are no longer active with MCW, however they are listed here in recognition of their service with their induction year.
Julie Panepinto, MD, MSPH (2017)
John Imig, PhD (2018)
Leonard Egede, MD, MPH (2021)
Mingyu Liang, MB, PhD (2019)
Parameswaran Hari, MD (2021)