Genetic Counseling
As clinical practice and the delivery of healthcare continue to shift towards personalized medicine, genetics and genomics is becoming present as a critical component in nearly every branch of medicine. Genetic counselors provide an integral component in personalizing the care of patients. These professionals have the genetic expertise necessary to effectively provide the patient and other members of the care team with information on the often complex genetic basis of many diseases. With this information, personalized screening, diagnostic testing and other treatment modalities can be implemented, improving the care of the patient. Through the complete family histories collected by genetic counselors, additional family members are identified who may be in need of medical assessment, testing, and care as appropriate.
Cancer Genetic ScreeningPrenatal Genetic ScreeningFertility Services & TreatmentsNICHE (Neurology, Eye, Cardiology, Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia, Endocrine) and other Genetic Screening
Cancer Genetic ScreeningPrenatal Genetic ScreeningFertility Services & TreatmentsNICHE (Neurology, Eye, Cardiology, Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia, Endocrine) and other Genetic Screening
Meet Our Counselors
Jennifer Geurts, MS, CGC
Assistant Professor; Program Director, Master of Science in Genetic Counseling Program
Morgan Depas, MS, CGC
Assistant Professor; Director of Fieldwork Training, Master of Science in Genetic Counseling Program; Certified Genetic Counselor
Amy Donahue, MLIS, MGCS, CGC
Assistant Professor; Certified Genetic Counselor
Jamie Harriman, MS, CGC
Certified Genetic Counselor
Alison La Pean Kirschner, MS, CGC
Assistant Professor; Director of Research, Master of Science in Genetic Counseling Program; Certified Genetic Counselor
Commonly Asked Questions
What is Genetic Counseling?
Why should I have Genetic Counseling?
How long is the appointment?
How is testing done and will it be done the day of my appointment?
Are genetic counseling and testing covered by insurance?
Can the health insurance company use the information from this test against me?
Resources and Tools
Risk Calculators
Patient Links
Educational Links
Contact Us
Genetic Counseling
9200 W. Wisconsin Ave.
Milwaukee, WI 53226
(414) 955-5899
(414) 955-6516 (fax)
Schedule an appointment
Cancer Genetics Scheduling
(414) 805-0572
(414) 805-0970 (fax)
Prenatal Genetics Scheduling
(414) 805-6624
(414) 805-9000 (fax)
All other Adult Genetics Scheduling
(414) 955-5899
For referring healthcare providers
Referrals can be placed within Froedtert & the Medical College of Wisconsin via EPIC to Adult Genetic Counseling Referral.
Prenatal and preconception genetic counseling referrals should be placed utilizing the Maternal Fetal Care Clinic Referral in EPIC.
Outside referrals
(414) 955-5899
(414) 955-6516 (fax)